Actions Create Things!

I was listening to one of my fav podcasts in the morning (shoutouts to Hindsight) and he was discussing the acronym A.C.T, and I couldn’t help but notice how much it resonated.

We have all heard the saying……

“We Create Our Reality” and in fact that is very true! We can want any and everything in the world, but if we are not aligning our thoughts and our actions to create the things we want to achieve, then there will not be any fruits to enjoy.

It can be hard to stay aligned……

because of daily stresses and activities that keep us at a lower state, but it is up to us to step out of that state and shift into a place of discipline and consistency to gain the things we want in life.

Whenever you feel like there is no hope for you……

whenever you feel like your in a space where you cannot grow; always keep A.C.T in mind! Let that be part of the motivation that keeps you going. If you do not put in the work, no one else will! It is the Intention, Belief and the Action that will help you Create and Manifest Greater Things!


The Heart opener